Quick Guide to the 2023/24 Profits Tax Filing

The Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) issued bulk Profits Tax Returns for 2023/24 on 2 April 2024. Once issued with Profits Tax Returns, enterprises must prepare the necessary supporting documents for submission to the IRD along with the Returns within the specific time limit. Furthermore, enterprises should also pay attention to the enactment of the Foreign Source Income Exemption(“FSIE”) regime which came into effect on 1 January 2023.
In light of the above, we will provide a summary of the important due dates for the 2023/24 Profits Tax Returns, the new requirements in relation to the FSIE regime and the details of tax filing procedures under different filing modes in this article. Please click on the button below to download the whole document.
For further enquiries, please feel free to contact your usual PKF tax advisors, or reach out to our Tax Partner, Henry Fung (henryfung@pkf-hk.com).